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A new chapter in this micro business life.

For those of you who read this blog every so often, you’ll know that I’m a tad obsessed with the magic and sometimes, the plight, of micro business in the UK. Because the evolution of my own story has had a few chapters over the last 20 odd years of business ownership, I thought it might be a good moment to check in and share some of the adventure so far and where it’s going - the next chapter.

My business ownership ‘journey’ started when I had a 10 month old at home (my first) and I realised that I simply couldn’t go back to my corporate management role - there wasn’t a nursery in the land that would cater to my hours.

I reconnected with a dream that I’d been nurturing in a little yellow book - a life living in the country, perhaps running a B&B serving organic produce & slower living while I had some sort of idyllic set up to bring up kids. There would be chickens, crisp white sheets and perhaps the odd workshop. And I kinda did it. Mum and I set up a self catering place, we won eco awards (not bad for 20 years ago) and there were gorgeous crisp white sheets. The chickens never arrived (we needed up with terriers instead) and neither did the idyllic lifestyle.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved loved the freedom of bringing up my boys (now men) flexibly & in the countryside. But I didn’t love the unpredictable income, stress and isolation of micro business ownership. I took on additional roles to supplement my income in those early years and muddled through.

I began to spread my wings and go back to some of the corporate skills I’d learned, providing coaching and training to other businesses. I knew business well and loved working with others & it gave me the connection and community feel I so craved.

So here we are some 23 years later. I’m an executive business coach who has worked with 100s of businesses across the UK for nearly 20 years, often working within University business schools and business support programmes. Although I work with all sized enterprises, I’m particularly focussed on the magic & plight of micros.

I’m also still a very proud micro. I am part of the 96% of UK enterprise that are - those 0-9 sized businesses that breathe life into communities, families & our heritage. But all these years later, so many are still underserved, under estimated and isolated. With not enough easy access to good, inclusive and encouraging communities and very little access to affordable, high quality business coaching & support, Simply Club is designed to meet micros where they are to support so many millions of journeys like mine that have huge impact and value.

Simply Club is focussed on 3 areas of delivery that I feel represents just what I needed (& still do!) for so long while giving micros the proper business tools to prosper.

Community - the very centre of any successful micro business owner. Friendships, comrades, supporters & champions, not to mention vital listening ears and laughter along the way.

Coaching - professional coaching opportunities to help develop the right skills and exceptional thinking to help build the lives that people love.

Conversation - shining a light on the stories, campaigns and businesses that we can all learn from and be inspired by.

I’m now in my early 50s with two grown up lads that are still the centre of my world, two terrible terriers and still no chickens. I live in the countryside and still thrive when life is a little slower and there’s plenty of time to live around nature and the seasons. I am also emerging into a new chapter in my life. One that is focussed on supporting others to create a new chapter in their micro business lives with the encouragement and support they need. Every day, I’m able to coach, deliver training, create programmes and facilitate inclusive gatherings to help transform more lives through micro business ownership.

You’ll find me online, in the garden or up the fields with the terribles, Stan and Flossie. I’ll mostly jabber on about the importance of our micro communities for people, places & planet & I love nothing more than slowing down with a brew to uncover the magic I see.

If you’d like to explore the opportunities inside Simply Club, head there now or perhaps browse our inviting directory to discover some of Simply Club members first hand.

Much love, Em xx


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