As micro business owners, we all know the ebbs and flows of a business year. We dream of that nirvana of 'regular income' but in reality, making hay is often a vital part of planning.
So here we are in early September with a 'new pencil case' feeling and the world of work and customers starts to wake up, get organised and make plans. New routines is the name of the game and this is never more true of customers too.

However much we don't want to yet face pumpkins, of even the Ch****mas word just yet, this is non the less a crucial time for little businesses. Not just those that supply gifts but all the associated enterprises supporting them - coaches, web designers, graphic designers, delivery companies, packaging people, coffee shops - you get the picture.
What can we do as micro businesses to make the most of this time of year?
Decide what you want to really achieve. This might be a financial goal, a number of bookings or simply a reset or streamlining of what you offer. Having a clear ideas about what success really looks like for you, is the first step to success.
Once you know your key success metrics, decide which ones you're going to chase. After all, chasing two rabbits only guarantees that you catch neither.
Understand how you're best going to communicate with and start up great conversations with customers. Don't assume that just social media will do it. Think about email subscribing, perfecting your subscriber game or even old school postcards and posters to delight your tribe.
Understand what your capacity really is and what help you need. There's little point in approaching the season with plans to just get less sleep. This only leads to bad decisions and choices.
Be a data geek. Metrics is all but you may not quite have the capacity to keep a daily eye on everything. What metrics and data really tells you how you're doing compared to your goals? Avoid vanity figures, and focus on those that make the difference, committing to checking them often.
Keep tweaking. The last quarter of the year is fast paced but don't avoid making tweaks along the way if you need to. Hopping onto trends, noticing behaviours, checking the weather - anything that impacts how your customers are reacting.
What about us as customers? What can we do to really ensure our hard earned money goes to the communities and people we want? Here are some ideas:
Make a decision early on about how you're going to spend your budgets. This might your festive giving or a business budget, but know what they are. Now work out how you can best make that stretch while committing to spending locally, with micros or with independent chains you admire and who share your values. This kind of spending choice has a direct impact on your life and community.
Get acquainted with your local community and cultural offerings. Perhaps ensure your'e plugged into your local business networks. Information is your friend and ensures you get the best tips on what's worth the money, who is delivering best service and where to go for really great experiences.
Be super gnerous with your love. Share your favourite micros on social media, refer friends to them, take advantage of their email subscriptions,leave them a great review.
Micro business makes up 96% of all UK enterprise and are behind all that we love in our places. Markets, shops, services, networks, communities, friendship groups, out of hours help, inclusive operations and so much more. Think of all the best experiences you've had in 2024 so far and tally up how many were brought about by a small enterprise. It's a big number.
We can also recommend meeting the stand out micros from our growing Simply Club community. Our members are handpicked for their brilliance - from service to sustainability. Find out more about Simply Club here if you're looking for tailored micro business support and friends to make micro business life better.
