The purpose of my little two part story about the latest project from Simply has been to, somehow 'get under the skin' of the experience of working with a micro business owner. [See part 1 & our visual brand journey with the brilliant Andy who I still work with now.]
In our society, much of the media exposure we see around business services is around software, apps, platforms and large businesses. Nothing wrong with any of those things of course. But it has the unintended consequence of diminishing the power of working with a one or two person business to create something amazing. Bigger, isn't always better.
The reality is that working with a Micro business expert in this way unlocks the power of relationship to produce results that often far outweigh even the fanciest of platforms.
And so it has been with the development of this new website.
It was hugely challenging to first pick one person to create something that had been swimming around in my head for far too long. I'm lucky enough to know some fabulous website designers with the highest pedigree, but a decision had to be made. I had to feel a bond of understanding in the first place - someone who not only understood what I was trying to achieve, but also was able to bring together the specific skills & experiences needed with an empathic comprehension of my own fears and insecurities.
And yes, there were lots of those!
I met Nancy from Peak Web Design, as I had Andy from A Spark, A Flame, A Fire, through our Meet Ups and we 'got on' immediately. I was quite quickly able to tumble out my blurry ideas about a new website to Nancy who let me know that membership sites had become one of specialist areas. Win no. 1.
Secondly, I was able to share my sometimes challenging way of working. A tendency to procrastinate in the creative process. A very full diary of other commitments and the brain of a woman heading to her 50s (foggy!). Not phased, Nancy was able to establish a 'way of working' that suited me. 'Do you like short deadlines & a list Emily?' - yes I do! What a relief & win no. 2.
This huge project was then expertly broken down in a way that was not only professional (obviously!) but also in a way that worked for me, my brain, my schedule & my capacity. Nancy bought new ideas to my muddled thinking and solutions where I felt stuck. Better still, Nancy has found solutions and created functionality that future proofs what we're doing, providing the avenues to use for future projects and ideas without needing to re invent the wheel in 18 months time - frankly yippee!
So what has our special working relationship created? A new website that looks, feels & speaks of the brand, Andy and I have built on. An easy to access, one stop shop, membership platform that is able to deliver support to our members in just the way they need it. A website platform that I'm able to manage easily and that automates so much, that I run my micro business and deliver better. And, best of all, a long term relationship that I can turn to and feels secure to take me through all the new chapters to come.
So, I guess, the moral of this story is that working with micro businesses can produce something much more profound and much more nuanced than one might assume. Long term relationships really matter in business and, when you add in the mutual understanding of micro business life, are the lifeblood networks that micro business owners need.
If this two part story has inspired you to work with, or buy from, micro businesses, then I invite you to dive into our Directory where you will find a fantastic group of people transforming their little corners of the UK.
If you are a micro business owner or perhaps planning to be one, the perhaps you'd like to find out about our Simply Club community or hear some stories from our podcast, 'A Micro Business Life'.
Of course, if want to connect with Nancy, then step this way.