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How To Guide: 3 great ways to improve your Mailchimp skills

  1. You need to know why you want to email people. This sounds daft but in fact it is all too easy to use your emails as a way of selling more stuff to your readers. This is not the purpose of your email. The purpose of your email is to delight, inform, help or solve. Work out what you are doing for your subscriber.

  2. Create a really valuable welcome email using automation. So that your subscriber is reminded immediately why they have subscribed to your email and why they love you give them something extra and impressive. This could be as simple as a thank you voucher or top tips to solve their primary problem or access to a snippet of your business before they buy in full. How will you thank your subscriber for signing up?

  3. Consider using Mailchimp landing pages to up your online game. A landing page is like a supplementary website page that has specific information that your reader needs. You can use a landing page to sell a specific service or promote a particular event or product. Once your reader lands on the page, you can then use a range of automations (for free!!) to take them on the journey that you want them to enjoy - a great way to introduce new people to your business.

I hope that this How To Guide has been helpful and do connect over on Facebook in the Member's group to tell us how you're getting on, your top tips or simply ask us your questions.


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