How often have you got to the end of the week and still had a long list of important things you need to do, only to find that you've spent the week being super busy fire fighting but never getting to that list?
Hands up here!
There's a lot to do in our businesses from the super mundane to the crucial but there are often only a few simple steps that, when done consistently, make the real difference in our business or create the change we're looking for.
Identifying what those steps are is crucial in unpicking why you might feel stuck or that things aren't going the way you want depiste working really hard.
Discovering how to create that change to unlock the business life you really want (more balance, more income, more time, more customers) can be complex.....or quite a bit more simple.
Here is a simple four step process to help you really dig into what it is you need to do to help you focus on the right activities and actions that will make a big difference. Tip: draw out a simple four square grid and bullet point anything that pops in your head to start with then go back over your brain dump to discover the magic - it's in there!
What do you need to start doing? In order to get to where you want, there are things that you need to start doing. You know what they are really. Perhaps you need to start being on video or perhaps you need to start writing that blog. Maybe you need to start saying what you really mean or start taking a walk every day because you know that helps you. List anything that you know would make a difference even if you have no idea how.
What do you need to stop doing? This is another list that you probably know in your heart. What can you decide today to actually stop doing. Is it underestimating yourself? Is it avoiding the scary tasks? Perhaps you're still undercharging for what you do or maybe you're still selling something you don't care about. Be really really honest with yourself.
What can you do less? This one feels gentler than the previous two but is no less important. Are you still relying on an income stream you really dislike? Are you over packing your diary or pulling al nighters to get stuff done? Perhaps you're being self critical and allowing the imposter voice to get too loud? What could you do less of that would really help make change?
What can you do more? Finally, and in baby steps if necessary, what could you do more of that makes a difference? Did you post a video of yourself onceto much engagement but then avoid it for months? Are you occasionally getting to grips with your accounts but it's not yet consistent. Perhaps you occasionally take an afternoon off and have brilliant ideas and could stretch that to a 4 day week?
Now that you have a list of really honest answers, can you make a plan? is it obvious now that your days don't need to be full of faff but that you can priorisie activities that really make change?
I really hope that you can share some of your ideas in the Forum - it would be an amazing help to your fellow members. I reckon we all have some bad habits and so illuminating ideas!
