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How To Guide: 5 efficiency tips for micro business


I will own up right here that this is my weakness in any business SWOT I've ever done. More specifically, the paperwork side of things (I do know how to do numbers but AVOID at all costs!). If this sounds like you, try a digital receipt processor like DEXT (previously Receipt Bank) - mine integrates with Xero and I simply take a photo on my phone of any receipt and it pings it directly into my accounts. Using a Digital accounting platform like Xero or QuickBooks is also worth every penny, reconciling your bank feed and invoices has never been so easy. Starting to do lots of miles? Track them on the day on your phone with an app like Tripcatcher.


OK, so we all need more of this. Use an energy tracker (find one in the MemberHub) to work out what parts of the day are your best and plan your work accordingly. If you're a morning person, schedule in your most difficult or important tasks then. NEVER start your day with email opening, you're only working to someone else's timetable. Not sure how long tasks really take? Try something like Clockify or Togl to track how much time each task really takes, This is great for those of you making products or doing client work and invoicing.

Diary Management

This can be all consuming, especially for those of you delivering services. Try apps like Calendly where you an pre set your available slots and clients can simply make their own appointments on your diary for you. This integrates with most online calendars like Google. You could also link your Zoom with Google so that when you create a Zoom link it lands in your Google calendar too. I'm also a big fan of colour coding diaries for important areas of your life so that you don't miss it INCLUDING time to REST!


We might as well use digital tech to support us in our businesses as well as making our businesses look good. You can automate marketing emails in Mailchimp (other platforms available!) including onboarding email series' to welcome new customers or clients. Why not use Facebook's auto responder to create a set of FAQs for your business to save time on customer queries. You can even add this as a bot on your website. Automate social media with Meta's Business Suite or Hootsuite too.


Not especially easy but once you have worked out how long your tasks actually take (point 2) then work out what that is costing your business in wages to you. Are you better doing another task? Perhaps you can get help with photography, graphic design or bookkeeping. Use your precious time to do what you're magic at! Not sure who to ask - check out the Simply Club first! Trusted, high quality businesses who get it.


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