Set goals in chunks that you can manage. Some of you might like to think really big and go for a 5 year goal setting plan or maybe 2020 taught you to go more bite sized - setting goals for a month at a time...
Always start with the big picture. Where do you want you business to be at the end of the month or year or maybe even 5 years? Knowing where you want to head to is key because it keeps you focussed on the vision allowing you to stay flexible and it will help you stay on brand and on message.
Create different goals for different areas. Although your goals will necessarily be linked, breaking goals down into different areas really helps with clarity.
Customer Goals - are you looking for more online sales, better footfall, more takeaway customers, new types of customers that you haven't served before? Think about any goals related to your customer base.
Marketing Goals - these can cover everything from more social media followers to building a subscriber list. Perhaps think about website visitors or maybe it's to build a brand new website.
Financial Goals - these are big and important. For some of you it might just be about sales but it could also be about your financial admin too. Maybe you want to engage the services of a bookkeeper for the first time or get yourself onto Xero/Quickbooks etc?
Make a commitment and print off your goals for the office wall. Being accountable to your goals really helps to get you there. How many times do we make resolutions to only forget we did 2 weeks later?! You might choose a date when you achieve a goal too.
Review often - even if your goals are just for the month - set a little time each week or month to see how it's going. Did you take your eye off the social media ball? Perhaps you didn't get around to inviting people to subscribe to your list. It's very easily done so nip any meandering in the bud.